Ok, I've had a huge Lost addiction since season 2. After watching the second season debut I went straight out and bought season 1 and watched it all in about a week. It was awesome. I loved the backstories, the unraveling mystery of the island the finding of the hatch and the talies, the raft and finally the confrontation with the others. Then we have the last 4-6 weeks.
Let me list my problems:
1) Repeats. You didn't give me my weekly fix. I don't know when you're gonna be new or not. Nothing worse than sitting down on Wednesday night after locking my children in the closet to keep them quiet, sitting down in front of the widescreen, and... seeing a 2 year old episode. Out of sight out of mind. I just don't care like I used to, I actually do have a life.
2) Soon's gonna have a baby. So what. You've already done that. And the backstory was insanely contrived and felt like filler. Let me guess, next Hurley is going to develop a Heroin addiction. We'll just add it to his backstory.
3) Hurley is now just scenery.
4) We ever gonna get back to the mystery of the horse and polar bear? Someone said the producers just come in and say, "Hey, we gotta stretch this thing out. Throw in a horse or polar bear this week to keep people talking. But don't worry, you never have to resolve it or ever talk about it again." I don't mind extended plotlines, but you can't just ignore past stuff.
5) The dude trapped in the vault. Come on, every week he makes you believe he's innocent and at the end you're left thinking he's guilty. You can't use the same cliffhanger 55 weeks in a row.
6) They make you think the plot has progressed but when you stop and think NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN WEEKS!!!! Sawyer, still has all the stuff, yet everyone can get him to give them whatever they want. They still keep pressing the button. The guys still in the vault. The others are still out there. John and Jack are still at each other. It's been this way for weeks and weeks a weeks. Yawn.
7) The previews are now better than the actual show. In the previews it looks like stuff is happening but when you watch the actual episode they manage to slow everything down until I find myself not tivoing through commercials just to get some resolution.
8) Will we ever hear from Walt and Michael again? How many plot lines can they not only drop but simply ingnore?
Look, I love the serialized mystery stuff, but they've left me hanging too long and at this point only the final episode will capture my attention. And it is guaranteed to leave me disappointed. My addiction to Lost is over. I'm left with only Battlestar Galactica... which is more than enough.