Friday, May 05, 2006

Want Some?

I'm listening to the radio yesterday and here's the begginning of a commercial that comes on:
(Sultry female voice): "Nothing makes a man feel more impotent than not being able to shake another man's hand."
Now immediately, I thought, "being impotent would make me feel more impotent." The commercial was for a freaking arthritis medicine! Do they really think the only way to sell to guys anymore is to make us think we are impotent? Not being able to shake hands due to arthritis is a real ego killer for guys? Maybe I just didn't understand the commercial and it was just some weird Brokeback reference. Hey, you! Regular reader who leans that way! Let me know if I'm missing something. You know who you are.
Look, advertisers. Take a hint from beer commercials if you want to sell us your product: show us how we can get beautiful scantily clad women to swarm us no matter how stupid, unemployable, narcassitic, and possibly impotent we are! THAT makes us want to buy your product.
So ,stick your stupid arthritis commercial and someone bring me a Bud! And I'm not shaking your hand to say thank you.

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