Monday, September 25, 2006


Okay, so our area government wanted to impose a second income tax to raise money to improve and update the emergency call services of our county. They got it put on the last ballot and it was quickly rejected by the voters. The general feeling being, "YOU GET ENOUGH OF OUR MONEY!!!!! CUT SOME WASTE IF YOU WANT MORE AVAILABLE FUNDS!!!! YOU SCUMBALLS!"
So what do I hear on the news this morning? Well, we are now getting an Emergency Call Athourity which within it's charter allows for them to be funded by adding a tax to all phone bills. And that doesn't need to be voted on. Lovely.
Look, why even vote. If it doesn't go the way of those in charge they just vote on it over and over and over until they find a way to phrase it or create enough fear so it does pass or they just go around the peoples will all together.
Me, I'm just going to start saving up crates of tea in hopes of one day using it at a party.

1 comment:

James said...

I don't have anything to add. Taxation without representation (or in your case, taxation after negative representation) sucks. Mostly, I just wanted to reply from my cell phone on a bus. Which I have now done.