Thursday, May 18, 2006

Brittany Spears... Jessica Alba... Naked... TOGETHER!!!

As you can probably tell by the title, it's time for a Sports Blog.
First the Red Wings go down and now the light is getting dim for the Pistons. You know why? No not overconfidence. No, not too much bragging. No, not too easy of a regular season. The real reason? The Tigers made a deal with the devil and the end of the world is coming. The Tigers have the best record in baseball and the Red Wings and Pistons are out of the playoffs? What other answer could their be except involvment with Satan?
What next the Lions win 6 games? BWAHHHAHAHA! Just joking there. Where would we find enough chickens to sacrifice to make that happen?


Sam said...

You might find enough chickens at Or perhaps jackasses?

Barry said...

Intresting how my hits go up and I get unexpected visitors when my titles are a little "risque".

Anonymous said...

You can get off the ledge now. The Pistons have won and are moving onto the next round. You are such a fair weather fan. You buried the Pistons before they even lost. Nice blog though.

Anonymous said...

Great blog. Actually, I didn't read it. I read the title and waited for the pictures to load, but never got them. I then hit refresh like 20 times. Anybody else having a problem getting those pictures. Maybe try re-posting them.