Monday, January 09, 2006

Ya Gotta Have... Faith?

In an age when creationism and intelligent design are under attack as supposedly nothing but blind faith the unbiased integrity-full scientific community has some 'splanin to do.
It seems South Korean scientist, Hwang Woo Suk, who's lab is the only one in the world that has claimed a number of scientific accomplishments is a giant fraud.
"This is very dismaying and demoralizing, because this was a great group with enormous expertise and we all thought if anyone could do it, it would be them," said Stephen Minger, a leader in stem cell research at Kings College London, who visited the lab earlier this year. "Now it looks like we've been hoodwinked and it's just so damaging to the image of the field."
But my favorite quote by a colleague of his was, "But I still believe that Dr. Hwang has the fundamental technology or that he is the closest scientist to that technology. We should not abandon him and his talent." Uhh... ok.
So let me get this straight we shouldn't be putting a paragraph about the "theory" of intelligent design in textbooks but we can fill them with the works of trustworthy evolutionary scientist because the scientific community would never try to perpetrate a fraud or be fooled by one.
Hmm... you know what? Once again I just have to say, I don't have the faith needed to be that scientific.


James said...

It's no secret that scientists are NOT better people than anyone else, so of course they are going to be lying scum when it comes to money and prestige. When I was working at Lawrence Berkeley Lab some scientist had his discovery of NEW ATOMIC ELEMENTS rolled back because it turned out he lied.

One advantage of Science in general is that liars are always found out in the end. It's that little thing about the repeatability of observations in their experiments. This same clause can also make Science the inappropriate tool for investigating or explaining non-repeatable and non-observable events.

This can give us some faith in Science... Suk was found out rather quickly. Other labs analyzing his results (hm! these pictures of different stem cell lines appear to be IDENTICAL! And these data are an unusually perfect fit!) would never be able to replicate them because he cheated! You can't really hold up Suk as a strawman for the failure of "evolutionary scientists" (are those different than normal biologists or geneticists?). Darwin didn't cheat like Suk did. Suk was outed by other Scientists within weeks/months of his report. Darwin's report has been out for much longer. It hasn't been falsified by Science yet. And it's explainative power has proved to make accurate predictions across multiple research domains.

Barry said...

Actually, Darwin refuted Darwin in his own works. He cleaned himself up.

Anonymous said...

How many times have you read the Bible? And have you actually read anything Darwin has written? Or are you just taking for granted what someone said Darwin said? Do you understand the history of science and the debate that was occurring at this time in history? If evolution is too touchy a subject, do some reading on the history of the study of light. Some of these early "scientists" were priests (they were the only ones who could read and write at the time) and they thought that by understanding light they could understand god. What a can of worms that opened up. You'd find that the world is a much more interesting, wonderful and miraculuous place if you'd pull your head out of the sand and take a good look around.

Barry said...

To the above...
Yes, yes, yes, and yes.
It's a big part of why I became a Christ follower.

Anonymous said...

I suppose you can say "yes" to all of the above questions. But that really doesn't provide clarification. By saying yes to one of the questions, you indicate that you take for granted what others have said about Darwin, rather than making up your mind independently.

It is easier to have faith than to understand mathemathics, physics, and biology that is apparent through scientific observation. You just have to look at a rainbow to see where science and religion mix.

James said...

Hey I don't have anything insightful to add here except I don't make anonymous posts unless I'm stalking someone, and I'm not currently stalking Barry.

Anonymous said...

Though I'm posting anonymously, I'm not stalking, and I would like to avoid being stalked myself. Thanks.

I'm happy people have different opinions, beliefs, and outlooks. It's what makes the world more interesting, and we can learn so much more. But many people don't feel that way. It'd be nice and brave to post with a name. But if you're anonymous people aren't going to go through your garbage, or harass you outside of your house, or work or follow your kids to school, just because your opinion is different than thiers.

I'll be anonymous thanks.

Barry said...

"It is easier to have faith than to understand mathemathics, physics, and biology that is apparent through scientific observation."
But, if you truly understand mathmatics, physics, and biology (especially) you understand the faith involved in denying a creator.

James said...

Let me make sure I am following all this:

Barry is going through my garbage? I thought it was racoons!

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is "Anonymous" again. Look, I'm not trying to deny the existence of a Creater, but I don't think that proper, high quality science should be ignored. I don't think we should say, "God made it that way" and then stop looking for answers, that is an easy out. We should keep exploring our world through science.

An interesting fossil was found recently and I thought I would share this information. From "Paleontologists have discovered fossils of a species that provides the missing evolutionary link between fish and the first animals that walked out of water onto land about 375 million years ago. The newly found species, Tiktaalik roseae, has a skull, a neck, ribs and parts of the limbs that are similar to four-legged animals known as tetrapods, as well as fish-like features such as a primitive jaw, fins and scales." There's more info if you'd like to google "Tiktaalik roseae," or even "New Fossil Link."

Also did you read that they found the Lost Gospel of Judas? Written on some papyrus dating from between 300 or 400 AD. Wow, always something new to learn.

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter.