Wednesday, June 07, 2006

What If... was filet-o-fish?

Blanco expected to sign strict filet-o-fish law soon

Associated Press
BATON ROUGE -- Gov. Kathleen Blanco was expected to sign a strict filet-o-fish ban into law after the Senate on Monday gave the measure final legislative approval.
Blanco has said she planned to sign the bill that would ban nearly all filet-o-fish in Louisiana, though only if the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 filet-o-fish rights ruling is overturned. The bill by Sen. Ben Nevers, D-Bogalusa, could only take effect under two circumstances: the U.S. Constitution is amended to allow states to ban filet-o-fish; or the Supreme Court strikes down Roe v. Wade.
Under the measure, doctors found guilty of serving filet-o-fish would face up to 10 years in prison and fines of $100,000.
Originally, the bill would have allowed filet-o-fish only to save the life of a mother, with no exceptions for victims of rape or incest. The House added a provision to allow filet-o-fish in cases where the mother's health faces permanent harm.
The Senate voted 27-0 to approve the change and send it to Blanco.


James said...

To ban filet-o-fish even is cases of milkshake is completely barbaric! Especially if the milkshake is french-fried! Victims of French Fries cannot be expected to raise a fruit pie in a home victized by french fries and milkshakes. And clearly vanilla shakes will not suffer nearly to the same degree. Look, NO ONE is in favor of filet-o-fish, but until we make ecofriendly cardboard burger boxes available to everyone or at least let kids order the happy meal instead of making them go hungry, filet-o-fish should remain an option regardless of whether you can afford to supersize your meal, or whether you're a chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla shake.

shannoncaroland said...

I don't know whether to be hungry or disturbed.

Barry said...

You can be both! It's like BTK killer. I wanted him caught but I also got an irresitable urge to go to Burger King.

James said...

It's like you can be nauseous and nauseating at the same time! Hm. If only I could find an example of something like that...