Thursday, February 23, 2006

Educating Bush


Ok, the President makes this statement a few days ago (my paraphrase): "Look, what's the big deal between a British Company owning our ports and a United Arab Emirates company owning our ports?"
Let me name a few:
1) The British haven't attacked us since the 19th century, the UAE had citizens attack us in 2001.
2) British Companies are owned privately, the UAE Company is owned by an Islamic based government.
3) In the words of Stephen Cobert, "There is no USA in UAE! Well, there's a U and an A, but you know what I mean."

Look, I'm not a big fan of the Bush "Trust Me" style of government. But, if you are going to rely on your base simply mindlessly trusting your judgements, you probably shouldn't spend 4 years getting everyone into a paranoid lather about anything Middle Eastern and then turn our ports over to them. (And if you're liberal you shouldn't spend 4 years getting everyone paranoid about profiling and then pretend outrage that we are "Dealing with them Arabs!") THEN, Bush says he will Veto anyone who tries to stop it. This from the man that has not used a single veto with the biggest deficit and spending machine of all time.
All I can say for Bush is, "I hope the interns have been good."



James said...

WOAH! Is this a rant against Bush? I thought I was reading the BAZ Blog not the James Blog!

Liberals are just as anti-terrorism and conservatives. We just think you can fight terrorism under the RULE OF LAW as opposed to throwing it out so that you can target whomever you want. Michael Moore was one of the early voices protesting the Bush/Saudi inbedmanship.

Barry said...

Moore also claims he doesn't own stock and is a millionaire stock owner.
Besides, I have heard any liberals (Liberman the sole exception?) sharing any ideas, lawful or otherwise, on fighting terrorism. They just decry the percived darkness. So I wouldn't be real eager to praise Democrats either.

James said...

Moore says a lot of things many of which I don't agree with. However, he was pointing out the willingness of the Bushes to get close to Arab money irrespective of security concerns for a long time. I wonder what actual examples of "pretend outrage" coming from the "liberals" you are referring to?

Just because you are not familiar with ideas that "liberals" are sharing about combating terrorism MIGHT simply means that your information input is biased to conservative sources.

Just to pick the big "liberal" punching bags, Michael Moore and Al Franken have spoken out about many of these things. While these two are not the poster childern I would choose to represent "liberalism", they are ones that everyone would agree are "liberals" in the derogatory sense of the word.

Here's an excerpt from Al Franken if you can bring yourself to read it, but he talks a lot on the topic of liberal ideas for fighting terrorism as well as "conservative" ideas for fighting terrorism (i.e. ignore it till it bit us and cost 3000 American lives)

Anyway... so Puh-Lease! Enough with the "liberals just decry the darkness" bollocks. We can both pull up countless examples of lameness from both conservative and liberal leaders. People are going to have different opinions about wealth distribution, and "common ownership" and "the common good" and how valuable various members of society are, etc. That's the distinction driving "liberals" vs "conservatives". So there is always going to be a North and South pole. But finger pointing about who is the worse American and who is better at perceiving an obvious threat is getting us no where.

Anonymous said...

Wow you have a real live liberal visiting you website. Is that a personal photo of James?

I love listening to liberals!!!

Scott Z.

Anonymous said...

And Barry. Way to jump on the bandwagon before having any info. Not like you, but hey everyone can be an idoit at times. Your just a Bush hater.

James said...

Ah Scott... if only I could recapture the youthful innocence that you have managed to hold onto... if you really love listening to liberals, just give me a topic and I'll cover it over on Full Metal Blog.

Meanwhile, good luck waiting for BushCo to come back with all the honest and straight-forward info on the UAE port deal. Just judging from the administration's information sharing on the Iraq WMDs and upfrontedness about "not" being briefed on the New Orleans levys, I'm sure you can expect a clear and truthful response on how good it will be for US security to have the UAE running some of our ports.