Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Truth

Being a highly influential blogger I have recieved a leaked transcript of a recent White House cabinet meeting that should shed definitive light on the Vice Presidential shooting incident:

Begin Transcript
Bush: So how many old people have we killed with cuts to Medicare?
Cheney: Uh... about 55,000.
Bush: Eh. How many will bite it when we cut Social Security?
Cheney: About another 110,000.
Bush: Dangit! That is not acceptable!
Cheney: What would you like me to do, sir?
Bush: Give me some ideas, Dick (snicker).
Cheney: I could just take some out in a field and shoot them.
End Transcript

THERE YOU HAVE IT! Do we need more?


James said...

I wish you would cut our President and his staff some slack. They are doing they best they can during trying times. They don't have an easy job, and it certainly isn't any easier with people making it harder for them all the time. Geeze.

Barry said...

Look accidents are so old school. We don't have accidents in the USA anymore only conspiracies and paranoia and lawyers. It's always someones fault, where've you been, Jeremy.
Want to go hunting?

Anonymous said...

And the very next thing he said after "Is he dead?" is "How many people have to know about this?" Exclaimation Mark.