Thursday, March 03, 2005

Where Is It When You Need It?

Ahh, Global Warming. It seems, according to a recent article, that it is happening twice as fast as thought. Here's a quote: "Global warming might be twice as catastrophic as previously thought, flooding settlements on the British coast and turning the interior into an unrecognizable tropical landscape, the world's biggest study of climate change shows." First of all, there are still "settlements" on the English coast? Who wrote this a Quaker in the 1700's? But, that's not the point, the point is WHEN IS FREAKING GLOBAL WARMING GONNA HIT MICHIGAN! Does global not mean all around? I'm sitting in 2 feet of snow at 5 degrees in MARCH! I wouldn't mind it being turned into an unrecognizable tropical landscape! Why is global warming a bad thing? Everyone wants to live where its warmer right? THEY'VE BEEN THREATNING US WITH GLOBAL WARNING SINCE THEIR ICE AGE THEORY DIDN'T COME THROUGH IN THE 80's, IT'S ABOUT TIME THEY PUT THEIR MONEY WHERE THERE JUNK SCIENCE IS!


jonny said...

Settlements in England?

Maid oui!!

James said...

I saw a movie and the ICE AGE WAS RUNNING DOWN THE HALL CHASING PEOPLE, but luckily they ran into the library and closed the door on it. Ha ha! Foolish Ice Age!!! YOU ARE FOILED AGAIN!