Thursday, March 24, 2005

Now Junior!

What is becoming of our youth today? This little bugger was arrested for trying to give water to a handicapped women. What the heck are we teaching these kids? Stupid radical Christians! Ahh... how I long for the days when the worst thing kids would do is shoot up their schools. America we have lost our way.

(Warning: Serious thought coming)
Pssst... Did you know that if you don't have a written will the government thinks it's alright to take most your stuff even if your loved one did tell you during a TV show 7 years ago they wanted you to have it all? Now they've suddenly decided having your wishes in writing isn't that big a deal? If she didn't write down her wishes like everyone else is required to do I think it would be all right to err on the side of life. Or is it the governments new policy if you didn't write down what your wishes are they'll allow you to be killed?

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