Friday, March 25, 2005

Finger Lickin' Good

I've lost about 30 pds over the last 3 months by exercising and following, more or less, the South Beach diet. Now, one of the things I liked about the South Beach diet is that Wendy's Chili is allowable and I love Wendy's Chili.
Unfortunately the secret to it's great taste has been revealed... human fingers.
A diner at a Wendy's fast food restaurant in San Jose, California, found a human finger in a bowl of chili.
Here's the quote from the health department official investigating the case:
"This individual apparently did take a spoonful, did have a finger in their mouth and then, you know, spit it out and recognized it. Then they had some kind of emotional reaction and vomited."
Some kind of emotional reaction? How about... "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @$&%)&)%&*#!!!!"
How does a finger get in a bowl of chili? Did someone in the back chopping lettuce not notice they're missing a digit? Was this Chili meant as a warning from the mafia? Was the meat left over from a 1920's Chicago processing plant? Are they using help from a leper colony?
Hopefully, we'll find out who this butterfinger was. Maybe, we can still get prints.

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