Monday, March 14, 2005

I got nothin'

There are days when I just can't find anything to blog about. When that happens it's time for the "I've got nothing to blog about" quiz of the day.
Go here to find out what Classic Movie you are like and let me know.
Me? I'm...

That even looks like me execept for the black hair, sun glasses, square jaw, and bike. But otherwise, dead on.


James said...

I got Mr. Smith goes to Washington. I think that's the one with the monkeys but I'm not sure.

Barry said...

Wow, these things are becoming more and more inaccurate.

Barry said...

Mr. Smith is the movie about Jimmy Stewart as the boy scout leader, ultra-conservative who goes to Washington and moralizes to the liberal congress. Dude, that is so you, James :)