Friday, January 14, 2005

Relevant to the culture

You know, churches and church groups are trying harder and harder to be relevant to the culture around us. For example, Zondervan's family bookstores are now open on Sunday's because they are trying to stay relevant to a culture that shops on Sunday's. They figure they may be the only chance some non-Christians have of finding Christ. What happens if that poor non-Christian is looking to buy a Bible on a Sunday and they aren't there to minister with a Bible starting at $39.99?
Or how about this great idea to be relevant:
Stern Makes Jump to Christian Radio
What a great idea. Kind of like how the early church would often sell Christian t-shirts at the arenas. I've heard that every time a Christian died they'd give away a free scroll of Ephesians and then ask the current famous Gladiator to come speak at their next prayer meeting. They were so relevant.
So, let's continue to come up with some great ideas for staying culturally relevant.
I'm thinking:
Michael Jackson speaking to our Children's church.
Brittney Spears leading a purity retreat for our high school girls.
Giving away a free Snoop Dogg CD with each bulletin.

1 comment:

Jack Mercer said...

Fabulous post, Barry! Thanks for stopping by my blog so I could check out yours. Like your sense of humor, Dude!

Will definitely link to this post!