Friday, February 04, 2005

Worse Than I Thought

A while back I blogged about why I don't paticularly care for most Christian Music. Now, although most of it is kinda banal I didn't think it was bad for you. Then I found these testimonies from actual people on the huge dangers of Christian music. Let me share a few with you.

"'Christian rock' had made me a shallow, rebellious young Christian. It made it easy for me to get into regular rock music. When I finally submitted to God and got the rock music out of my life, I was able to see the double standard that is lived out by 'Christian rock' musicians." 'Christian rock' does not praise God and it is worse than regular rock because I think it is hypocritical. Rock is wrong and addictive and has contributed to my moral failure. I praise God for His help in releasing me from it." An Eighteen-Year-Old Student From Indiana

"I began to listen to 'Christian rock' without the blessing of my father. He told me that if I listened to 'Christian rock' it would open the door for Satan. I just laughed, and listened anyway. It totally deadened my Christian growth and led to terrible immorality, rebellion, and rejection of God. It then developed into secular, hard rock. Now all I can do is go back and pick up the pieces. But I still have a scar in my life that will never be removed." A Sixteen-Year-Old Student From Oklahoma

"I never listened to the so-called 'Christian rock,' but I did listen to Christian contemporary music. I realized that all day long, when I was dressing or getting ready for bed, the songs were in my head. The backbeat and the music that was full of soft, then real loud notes made my whole body move faster. When all this was going on, I could never concentrate on studies, much less the Bible. It was distracting, and I also realized that when I would go into a store that had rock playing, I liked it, and it was a lot like the tapes I had been listening to." An Eighteen-Year-Old Student From Florida

Wow! Who knew? I actually thought my moral failures might have been my fault, but it very well could have been the Christian music I was listening too! After hearing these testimonies I'd like to suggest you gather up any Christian music you have and burn it. I am even considering, to help out those who are struggling, a trade-in program... You send me your Christian music and I'll send you something less dangerous, like my old Michael Jackson albums.


Barry said...

See I was thinking they had to have been Amy Grant fans.

Anonymous said...

I tried to listen to Christian rock music, but it's too much of the same thing. Someone has yet to make it interesting enough for me to actually spend money on a CD. Until then, I'm just going to have to content myself with all the mainstream hardrock, heavy metal, and punk out there.

--A thirtysomething musician from Pennsylvania

Anonymous said...

My guess is that it was not the Christian music that caused these people to fall. My guess was that it was some other factor that caused it.