After my blog Monday concerned reader Frank implied that my trivial blogs may be a sign of the end of the USA as we know it (see the comments on Monday's blog). After I finished watching the Scorpion girl on ESPN I decided I needed to check in with one of my very first blog mentioned sites: the prophetic speedometer of end-time activity to make sure I wasn't listed.
The good (if you're looking forward to Jesus):
There's been terror bombings against Iraqi Christians, London got bombed, the scourge of gay marriage is gaining ground, the new pope may be the false prophet, and hurricane Dennis hit hard. This is all great news! Now if teen drug usage would pick up and the French would shape up and get the EU back on track we've got something to thank God for. Once again the French stand in the way of God!
The good (If you're trying to buy a little more time):
Gay marriage is losing major votes, the French are against the EU, the French no vote also delays the Anti-Christ, no major volcanoes at this time, good rain fall in Arizona, and liberals in the US are taking a huge beating. This is all great news! You don't have to worry about the sudden appearance of Jesus anytime soon as long as the French continue to be the French. Feel free to go about your usual pagan life.
I'm just glad the people at RaptureReady have found this great tool to get around that pesky "no one knows the time" and "He'll come like a thief in the night" stuff in the Bible.
Clarification: Your blogs are not trivial. I whole heartedly enjoy them. The US driven entertainment world is focused on the trivial.
Think about it: muse:to be inspired; a: not or without; amusement: without inspiration.
Dang, if my blogs aren't trivial I gotta work harder :) Don't worry Frank you gave me some great material to work with, thanks for the comments!
Generally entertainment is about trivial things. That's not really a problem. How entertaining are serious things? Who would want to play Milton Bradley's "The Game of Taxation"? If a TV show is about "serious" things, it's usually called educational as opposed to entertainment.
As for the word origin/history or etymology of "amuse", that's a French borrowing from "amuser" which comes from à "at, to" (but here probably a causal prefix) + muser "ponder, stare fixedly." Sense of "divert from serious business, tickle the fancy of" is recorded from 1631, but through 18c. the primary meaning was "deceive, cheat" by first occupying the attention. Bemuse retains more of the original meaning. Amusement "a pastime, play, game, etc." is first recorded 1673, originally depreciative. Amusement park is first recorded 1909. Amusing is noted late 1920s as a vogue word.
I ripped most of this off from
Thank you for adding to the trivality (real word?) of this blog.
"trivality", not a word. "triviality", is:
* pettiness: the quality of being unimportant and petty or frivolous
* technicality: a detail that is considered insignificant
* something of small importance
But what's your point??
I feel like I'm talking to someone from the Electric Company. (Wow, will anyone understand that reference?)
I raise my hand and give a shout out to Spiderman, Letterman and Morgan Freeman.
As long as we are asking about references no one will remember and children's television. Let's revisit this one from your childhood, shall we?
Manamana vs Phenomena
Mahna Mahna... do you remember it going like this ? Or are you like me and so jaded by current events that you can only remember it looking like this?
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