Thursday, September 15, 2005

An Interview With The Man Behind TICS

Reporter: So what do you think of the blogging experience?
Me: I think blogging is an honorable endeavor.
Reporter: How long do you think you'll stay at it?
Me: I believe my blogging rights are for a lifetime.
Reporter: Do you think you'll ever blog about the envrionment?
Me: I don't think I should comment about anything I may one day blog about.
Reporter: How about blogging about abortion.
Me: I think other bloggers have blogged about abortion. And I would aknowledge that there blogs have been blogged.
Reporter: But how about you?
Me: I can't comment on something that may come up on the blog.
Reporter: Would you blog about prayer in school?
Me: Well as I've explained, that would be an area that...
Reporter: Yes, is apt to be blogged about. Can you tell me if you would think about blogging about anything controversial?
Me: I can't comment on wether or not I may think or not.
Reporter: We are rolling the dice with you, blogger, it's kind of interesting, this Kabuki dance we have in this interview here, as if the public doesn't have a right to know what you think about fundamental issues facing them.
Me: And your point is? By the way, do you Kabuki dance often?
Reporter: Well can you assure us we can trust you to try to blog responsibly?
Me: I can't promise I'll try. But, I'll promise I'll try to try.
Reporter: Your failure to answer questions is confounding me.
Me: That's because I'm so smart and you need better staff writing your questions.

1 comment:

James said...

This was the most... HUMBLE, post I have read in a long time.