Monday, September 12, 2005

The Hulk Sent me A Movie Review

Finally, movie me understand. Me do movie review. Movie no need plot. Movie loud booms. Transporter 2.
Me give plot.
-Man beat up gang bangers.
-Man drive really cool fast car.
-Man fight with crazy half-naked chick.
-Big explosion.
-Man drive really cool fast car.
-Man fight gang bangers with fire hose.
-Man drive really cool fast car.
-Big explosion.
-Man fight crazy half-naked chick again.
-Man drive really cool fast car after airplane.
-Man fight crazy minority bad guy in crashing airplane.
-Big explosion.
-Man drive away in really cool fast car.

Me think movie very good. Hulk direct Transporter 3. Go see movie or Hulk smash! Go Hulk blog.

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