Monday, May 16, 2005

Sorry for the massive deaths

It seems Newsweek made a little blunder in it's reporting. See they reported last week that U.S. soldiers had flushed a copy of the Koran down a toliet at Guantanamo. This started riots in the Arab world which killed alot of people. Slight problem though... Newsweek is now reporting its story was wrong. Would it be fair to say Newsweek has now killed more Muslims than the evil U.S. miliatary in the last week? I'm sure they'll be held accountable.
But, hey, we all make mistakes. No harm done. It could have been worse. How about these possible stories?
"George W. Bush Eats Several Muslim Babies"
"Newt Gingrich Keeps Muslim Cleric Locked in Basement"
"Ronald Regan Rises from Grave and Nukes Iran"
"Christians Buy Horses, Planning New Crusade"
"Muslims Not Allowed to Pray in Schools"


James said...

McClellan should resign...

Whenever I hear Scott McClellan talking about ‘media credibility,’ I strain to remember who it was who admitted Jeff Gannon to the White House press room and called on him all those times.

Whenever I hear this White House talking about ‘doing to damage to our image abroad’ and how ‘people have lost lives,’ I strain to remember who it was who went traipsing into Iraq looking for WMD that will apparently turn up just after the Holy Grail will — and at what human cost.


if stuff like the Newsweek version of a now two-year-old tale about toilets and Qu’rans is enough to set off rioting in the streets of countries whose nationals were not even the supposed recipients of the ‘abuse’, then weren’t those members of the military or the government with whom Newsweek vetted the plausibility of its item, honor-bound to say “you can’t print this”?

Or would somebody rather play politics with this? The way Craig Crawford reconstructed it, this one went similarly to the way the Killian Memos story evolved at the White House. The news organization turns to the administration for a denial. The administration says nothing. The news organization runs the story. The administration jumps on the necks of the news organization with both feet — or has its proxies do it for them.

That’s beyond shameful. It’s treasonous.

Barry said...

I just calls thems as I sees them. Once again no denial both sides are crooked, self-centered, manipulative, hypocritical goons. But, it's amazing how the left continues to claim loudly to be fair and above it all, doubts the others sides motives, claims "Bush lies", while trying to leave the notion they are morally superior and then you get these obvious scenarios outing them.