Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Idol Talk

One word for last night... awkward.

Last night should have been subtitled: "An Attempt at a Very Special American Idol".
From the minute Seacrest expressed sympathy for the VT famlies to Phil saying, "Country is my genre." It just was awkward.
Then there was Chris giving an awkward shout out to VT and then explaining to Simon that "nasally is a style." Yeah, a bad style of singing. Goodbye Chris.
Sanjaya trying to look like Bruce Springsteen... awkward.
KiKi trying to go country... awkward.
Paula seemingly sober... awkward.
Melinda coming out and doing so much better than everyone else... awkward. Just announce her as the winner.
Finally, after the judges shred Chris, and he follows up with "nasally is a style", then you can see him think, "This isn't working so..." "Hey, I'm really feeling bad for VT." To which Simon is caught... ROLLING HIS EYES!!!! Classic and... awkward.
But the worst thing of the night is after the commercial break Simon comes on and looks like someone is holding a gun to his head as he reads a teleprompter, "Oh, hey and the 3 of us judges would also like to say, uh, VT we feel sad. Real, real, sad. Really. Please forget I rolled my eyes."

Prediciton: Chris is so gone.

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