Thursday, April 21, 2005

Catholics Just Blowing Smoke?

Just a few random thoughts on the Pope thing (sorry I'm a day late on blog Theme day):
-I'm glad they picked a Pope quickly cause watching smoke for days is not must see TV. I haven't seen that much smoke blown since the Presidential debates.
-What's with the changing your name when you become Pope? I want to do this in Protestent groups. Please refer to me now as Lando Calrissian the XXXXLV.
-How do I throw my hat in the ring for Pope and how big does it have to be?
-If the new guy is called "God's Rotweiller" is there a televanglelist somewhere known as "God's Poodle"?
-How stupid are all the Catholics that are upset that the new Pope isn't going to change the entire religion to agree with them? Pssst... If you don't agree with the teachings of the Catholic Church maybe you shouldn't be Catholic.
-Conclave is a great idea that should be used more often! Let's lock the Arabs and Jews, North and South Koreans, Democrats and Republicans, and Pistons and Pacers in a room and not let them out until they work things out... or change all their names to Ford Prefect VIII.


Anonymous said...

Let me see... XXXXLV, if I remember my Roman numerals: Go largest to smallest unless subtracting, so you have 4Xs (40) you want subtracted from L(50), and then add the five? So you really want to be Lando XV?

Where did you go to school, Franklin or something?

Barry said...

I actually saw I'd done that but figured no one would notice. It just looked cool. Forgot about you obssesive numbers geeks.

James said...

I like zat zee new Pope ist und German who vaz in zee Hitler Youths. Zee community involfment iz gooT!!

Also very goot, he vaz Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Zis group haz changed names a few times "recently":

1908: Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office
1965: Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
1983: "Sacred" dropped (who needs Sacred?)

Uf Corze! BEFORE zis, from 1542 to 1908... it vaz known az:

Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition

Or az Monty Python called it (und thozants of screaming peasantz), simply:

The Inquisition

Who better to run zat zan zee Germans??