Monday, April 04, 2005

Boycotting Spring Break

Why do it? It's like playing Russian Roulette with your vacation time! The weather is better in Michigan for the next two days than in Orlando! You don't sleep in in the East due to Daylight savings! Everybody goes on Spring Break and your vacation activity ends up being standing in lines and sitting in your car! TV gets interrupted by insignificant stuff like the Fall of Baghdad 3 years ago and the death of the Pope this year! My kid got stung by a scorpion in a cabin in Tennesse on a Spring break trip... A FREAKING SCORPION IN TENNESSEE!!!!!! Our only good spring break was when we went North to Makinac Island!
So join me in boycotting Spring Break. Stay home. Turn off MTV. Work. Go about your ordinary life. Because you know it ain't spring yet, there will be one more snow.

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