Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Political Stuff

Okay, so Kucinich at the Democratic debate said he's seen a UFO. Then Richardson says the government hasn't come clean on Roswell. Now, I can react one of two ways. Chalk this up to the substance of Democratic canidates and mock them till they are forgotten (Kucinich said Jimmy Carter also saw one. I'm not sure how that is supposed to make him seem more competent). OR I can say, "Holy crap there are major political figures who take this stuff seriously" and call Fox Mulder. Speaking of aliens...

Hillary got beaten up by all the big boys. But, the funniest thing said about her was earlier in the week when Rommney said that she has never been in charge of anything... never been a state or national official, never run a buisness, never headed a department... but the finishing move was when he followed it up by saying, "The last thing we need in the White House is an intern."
HA! It almost makes me willing to vote for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok... from the beginning:
UFO: Unidentified Flying Object.
Practically everyone alive has seen something, one time or another, they couldn't immediately identify.

Now, claim you saw a Flying Saucer, Spaceship or Extra-Terrestrial... that is an entirely different thing.

Eugene Peterson Paraphrase: "I saw something and pondered what it could be, not being able to immediately identify the flying doodad I chalked it up to something that I could not immediately file in my brain as readily cognized."