Monday, September 10, 2007

You Can't Take That From Me

Okay, Fred Thompson is formally in the race. So far I like him more than anyone else in the race but I'm thinking, similar to Bush the first time he ran, I don't know much about him so I can sort of imagine he thinks like me. I know the bubble will eventually burst.
No sooner am I thinking these things than we get Fred insisting this weekend that an Al Qaeda smoking ban was one reason freedom-loving Iraqis bolted to the U.S. side.
Thompson said the smoking ban and terror tactics Al Qaeda used to oppress women and intimidate local leaders pushed tribes in western Anbar Province to support U.S. troops.
Ok, he got the terror tactics and intimidation and oppression things right (little aside: Didn't Democrats used to go after those who oppresed women?) but what's up with the smoking ban thing?
So I started thinking, maybe he's right. What would the US government need to take away from me to make me side with Al Qaeda? Freeom of speech? Freedom of religion? Taxation without representation? Nah, not so much. Here's my short list.
1) Comic books
2) DirectTv
3) Hostess Cupcakes
4) Boardgames
5) Blogs

So just a shout out to the Feds, you can take my freeom but if you take the things that allow me to be fat and lazy, once I thin down, I coming for ya.

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