Monday, March 26, 2007

A Few Good Questions

Actual questions from a Katie Couric interview with John Edwards about his wife's cancer and his continuing campaign...
"Some people wonder if you are in denial"...
"Some have suggested that you're capitalizing on this"...
"You're putting your work first, and your family second"...

I thought I'd give her a few more tactful questions to ask....
"Some people say cancer is really slow and painful"...
"Some want to know if it will be hard for your kids not having a mom"...
"How long do you think before you remarry?"
"It's been suggested you want your wife to die to boost your campaign..."
"Do you hope Hillary Clinton gets cancer?"

The only thing I can figure is she was drunk and thought she was interviewing Limbaugh.

1 comment:

Zimmerfly said...

Or more likely she's in love with Obama or Clinton and this is a way to attack him and make him look bad.