Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Wow! That's a Great Idea for A Present!

I was listening to the radio and this commercial came on (my paraphrase):
(Christmas music playing in background)
Announcer: Wouldn't it be great to give a present that was more than what it looked like?
Man: Wow, a floormatt.
Women: But, it could be a convertible.
Women: Wow, thanks, a new spatula.
Man: But, it could be a new house.
Announcer: Well you can! Give the gift that could be more than what it appears. Get somebody a lottery ticket from one of our three great new Michigan Lottery Christmas Games!


How stupid do you think we are! Let me write the honesty in advertising version of this commercial.

Announcer: Wouldn't it be stupid to give a present that had a 14 million to one chance of simply being a piece of paper?
Man: Wow, a lottery ticket.
Women: Yeah, it's the most expensive scrap of paper you've ever recieved! It would've been more generous to give you $3 in a card.
Women: Wow, a Christmas chance card.
Man: Yeah, but it has the potential to be absolutely nothing! A pack of gum would be more thoughtful!

So, if you truly believe that lottery ticket your getting me has a real possiblity of being worth a new convertible, I'm willing to trade it back to you for all the other presents you have waiting under your tree. Deal?

Hey give the lottery a try:
More lucky winners:

1 comment:

Barry said...

Now, I was talking to someone, who will remain nameless (hey have you checked out www.fabiansworld.blogspot.com) and they said by odds were wrong cause you can win your money back 1 out of 4. Well that's not what they're advertising, so come on we need some better arguments here supporting lotto tickets for Christmas.