Thursday, April 17, 2008

Those who forget the past...

So Christy Lee Cook is out. Well, she should have seen it coming. She was in the bottom 3, I think, all but 1 week which should have led her to the tactic all past hot babes have taken when they realize they aren't going to go very far on talent alone... start peeling off clothes.
Yes, Christy took the high road and left her clothes on and it cost her. Past contestents like Haley and Mcphee and Pickler were able to hang on weeks further than they should have by learning the fine art of a month long striptease.
Kudos to Christy for not taking that route. Let's hope, as she drops into obscurity, the lightbulb dosn't go on and she ends up on the net or some men's magazine. Let's also hope David Archeletta doesn't think this strategy will help him.

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