Monday, February 26, 2007

A Green Oscar

What the heck does a green Oscar mean? You fly your private jet to the airport where you are picked up by your limo, driven to your glitzy hotel where you pick-up your rented Hybrid and drive it to the ceremony where you are greeted by a blinding use of electricity?
I like watching, and having seen very few of the nominated movies, simply guessing who will win based on who has the most politically correct qualities. I'm usually about 85% right.
Ugh. You know what. The only way I could watch that thing is if they would make voting more like American Idol (It worked for Jennifer Hudson.) Have us call in and vote the winners and have a panel of movie critics yelling rude stuff at the nominees.
"Leo, the best thing you did in that movie was die."
"Jennifer, it's too bad you don't look like Beyonce."
"Clint, does your daughter have to drive your wife too school or do you let her ride the bus?"
"Ellen, help me out I can't remember, are you still gay?"
"George and Steven good to see you here but the only thing I care about is get that Indy movie made before Harrison dies or wins and Oscar and won't do it."
Now wouldn't that be much more entertaining?"

Yes, this is what got me to blog. I'll try to rant more regularly.


Anonymous said...

I also loved how they had the things on the screen behind the lady talking about what you could do in order to save the plant. Things such as car pool, ride on public transportation, etc. Yea, I'm sure all of those people there are going to ride on public transportation. There all complete frauds just like the myth that global warming is being caused by man. What a joke.


ejs said...
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James said...


The weight of keeping the blogs rolling was getting almost too much to bear, but I can feel the load lifting...

Welcome back!

As for zimmerfly: "... just like the myth that global warming is being caused by man..." In the celebration of BAZ being back online, I will totally agree with you on this point. Global warming is not caused by Man!

(Psyche! It's caused by the carbon he is dumping into the atmosphere!)

Barry said...
