An actual IM about the Lions upcoming game this weekend. The name has been changed to protect the stupid.
Ike Fabian: I actually think they could beat atlanta
Ike Fabian: this week
BAZ: I'm gonna be off by 3 on my prediction of 6 wins. I feel like such a homer.
Ike Fabian: im way off of mine
BAZ: But, that last comment shows I'm nowhere near the homer you are.
Ike Fabian: right
Ike Fabian: jerk
BAZ: Beat the Falcons!?!! HAHAHAHAHA! I wish I was still a betting man.
Ike Fabian: me too
BAZ: Is Barry Sanders coming out of retirement and I just haven't heard the news?
Ike Fabian: bite me
BAZ: Did we just hire the Tuna?
Ike Fabian: bite
Ike Fabian: me
BAZ: Was there a trade for all our players for the Cincinnati Bengals?
Ike Fabian: im no longer replying
BAZ: Grand Rapids Central High filling in for us this week?
BAZ: Were the Falcon starters and 2nd stringers all killed in a plane crash?
BAZ: Have they changed the rules so that the team with the least points wins?
BAZ: Have monkeys actually been spotted flying out of Mike Millans butt and joining the pigs that are flying overhead?
BAZ: Yeah, I'm with ya. We'll beat the Falcons.
Ike Fabian: are you done?
BAZ: Are the RedWings playing in hell tonight cause there's now enough ice?
BAZ: Now I'm done.