Thursday, March 29, 2007


Does this picture just creep anyone else out? Will we have intern problems with Hilary too?

Michigan Ironies

1) We have an "anti-bullying group" picketing at the state capital. Hmmm... bully those politicians into stopping bullying. At least it shows it's effective.
2) The same group pulls a teenage girl up front and says, "She's sick of being called short everyday. When will she be able to live a day without having someone call her short." I guess it won't be today.
3) People and buisnesses are fleeing Michigan due to poor economics and high taxes. Therefore the budget is about to go belly-up. The governors solution? Raise taxes on buisnesses. Oh good, now I can stay.
4) Because people have less money public transit is being used more. Therefore, we need more buses and routes. How is our city government proposing we do this? That's right... raise taxes on riders. Time to buy that horse.
5) As reported by loyal reader Zimmerfly...
ESPN does a yearly ranking for every professional sports team and they rank them 1 through 122 (NBA, NHL, MLB, NFL) based on things like bang for your buck, championship possiblities, fan relations, players, coaches, staduiums, etc. Detroit has 3 of the top 18 ranked teams in the country (far and away the most of any city in America):
Detroit Pistons #5
Detroit Tigers #12
Detroit Red Wings #18
But coming in #122, the worst rated organization in American professional sports is ......... you guessed it, the DETROIT LIONS. Way to go Lions you are truly the best at something. To bad that something is sucking.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Early Adapter

I've always been one of the first to jump on the Windows bandwagon since Windows 95. Usually it's because I'm praying the next upgrade will actually be good. However, Vista isn't getting me. I'm pretty happy with XP.
Has anyone out there upgraded yet? If so what's you verdict?

Oh, and if you want to satisfy Scott's jones for a political debate look at Time Waster Tuesday's comments.

Monday, March 26, 2007

TIme Waster Tuesday

If you missed this it's a classic.

Peyton Manning and United Way.

A Few Good Questions

Actual questions from a Katie Couric interview with John Edwards about his wife's cancer and his continuing campaign...
"Some people wonder if you are in denial"...
"Some have suggested that you're capitalizing on this"...
"You're putting your work first, and your family second"...

I thought I'd give her a few more tactful questions to ask....
"Some people say cancer is really slow and painful"...
"Some want to know if it will be hard for your kids not having a mom"...
"How long do you think before you remarry?"
"It's been suggested you want your wife to die to boost your campaign..."
"Do you hope Hillary Clinton gets cancer?"

The only thing I can figure is she was drunk and thought she was interviewing Limbaugh.

Friday, March 23, 2007

300 Ten Word Review

300 is the male version of Anne of Green Gables.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I Pledge...

Since Al Gore refused to sign a global warming reduction pledge yesterday, I changed it a little so we can all sign on. So join me in the pledge.

As a believer:
· that human-caused global warming is a myth, not an ethical, or spiritual issue affecting our survival;

· that home energy use is a key component of attempts at more govermental income and control;

· that my fossil fuel-based home energy usage will lead to more pleasure and comfort for me; and

· that leaders on environmental issues are insanely hypocritical;

I pledge to consume more energy for use in my residence than the average American household by March 22, 2008.

I pledge...
BAZ & Al Gore
Who's with us?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Welcome GLCC Alum!

Reply here to complain about the site being down. Maybe someone will listen.

Obvious Headlines

These headlines scrolled across the bottom of the screen yesterday as the lost boy scout was found. I've included what the other options could have been.

* Rescusers Happy Boy Found
as opposed too..
* Rescuers Upset Boy Found, Time and a Half Over

*Parents Relived Boy Found
as opposed too...
*Parents Upset More College Tuition Needed

*Boy Weak After 4 Days of No Food and Water
as opposed too...
* Boy Stronger and Healthier After 4 Days in Of Starvation and Dehydration

*Lost Boy Found, Search Over
as opposed too...
*Search For Lost Boy Continues After He's Been Found

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Time Waster Tuesday

I like to think of the big blobs as serious blog conversations.

Monday, March 19, 2007

A Serious Conversation!?!??!

This blog is dedicated to mindless drivel and my pet peeves how dare it be turned into a civil conversation on morality? Is this what God created blogging for? Where are the personal attacks, moronic comments, and spams?
I tell you what Tuesday Time Waster had better end this tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

And the Question Is...

So there's a big hoopla over a Joint Chief of Staff saying he thinks homosexuality is immoral. I have a few things I was wondering...
  • Was he wrong to also say having an affair is immoral?
  • Is it immoral to say something is immoral? Or is it just immoral to say homosexuality is immoral?
  • Is it immoral to SAY it's immoral or was it immoral that he was claiming it is immoral?
  • If it's not immoral to SAY it's immoral what exactly was the problem?
  • And, above all these others, exactly what should moral and ammoral judgements be based on?

I'd love to see some real discussion on these issues instead of the typical knee-jerk reactions.

Canadian Gas

Was with a friend getting gas yesterday when the guys at the pump in front of us asked help because they couldn't get the pump working. My friend suggested maybe it wasn't working and then we saw their license plate... Canadians.
Things you'd say to help normal people...
1) Try your card again.
2) Press reset.
3) Maybe it's not working.

Things you need to say to Canadians...
1) You can't use your passport as a credit card.
2) You gotta flip the tank open.
3) Try hitting it with that hockey stick you're carrying.
4) You could get close enough if you'd take off the snowshoes.
5) You do know you'd get better milelage on the highway if you weren't riding a snowmobile, eh?
8) You need to push the lever up.

That last one was suggested by the lady next to them and worked.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I'll Be Back

Israel as developed a robot that is able to shoot an Uzi, toss gernades, sniff out and disarm explosives, and work in the dark and up stairs. How long 'till these little monsters rebel against thier masters and take over?
Some suggestions on how we can all unite and try to stop the future:
1) Buy up every battery you see and throw them away.
2) Stop all research on liquid metal robots (their gonna be even worse)
3) Move to California where Arnie can protect you.
4) Keep a bucket of water by the front door to throw on the little buggers.
5) Develop your own personal army of robots.
6) Pray Global Warming gets us first.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Rose by Any Other Name...

I really hope "Scooter" Libby will get a new nickname before serving his 2 months in prison. This conversation would scare me if not...
"Hey, I'm Tex. What's your name little man?"
Yeah, that's gonna be bad.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Time Waster Tuesday

Many of you who read my blog obviously have the desire to conquer the world, as do I.
I find this site invaulable in my efforts.
Evil Overloard, Inc.


It seems Britney Spears tried to tatoo "666" on her bald little forehead while claiming to be the Anti-Christ.
All I can say is...
told you so.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it...

Enough already! This is like the 3rd blizzard in the last two weeks. I'm speaking at a conference this weekend and we're taking 75+ teens and sponsors and we're going to have 5000 parents calling asking if we're still going due to weather. If we canceled things due to weather when we should I wouldn't have a job!
We really, really, really, need to get this global warming thing going faster.
I'd write more but I'm going to go empty all the aresol cans I can find out on the front porch in hopes of getting the temps up to 30.
See ya Monday!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Another Chapter for my Book...

I have another chapter for my forthcoming imaginary book... "Why I Hate Christians".

Yesterday, during a discussion of the supposed finding of Jesus tomb, a Christian leader was quoted as saying, "Even if He was found in His tomb it would not affect my faith. Faith is a matter of choice... an internal matter. Between me and God."
What an idiot.
If Jesus body is found your faith is useless (that's in the Bible somewhere). It reminded me of a time I visted a mega-church (12,000+). The preacher said, "How many of you if it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Jesus body was found would still be a Chrisitan tomorrow?" 90% of the congregation raised their hands. Pavlov would be proud.
It's examples like this that continue to represent Christianity as a blind faith belief system instead of the reasoned, historically grounded faith it is meant to be that make it so hard for seriously thinking people to even give Christianity a fair examination. If anything the Christian faith inherently almost dares you to examine it fully. Compare that to Mormonism or Islam that have built into their system ways to deflect investigation.
Faith is placed IN something and if that something is not true then your faith is misplaced. You can place your faith in Jetblue, that don't mean you're getting off the runway. I'm not saying those with blind faith aren't Christian I'm just saying they at times can hurt the cause. It just seems too many Christians are commited to thier idea of Chrisitanity instead of being convinced of Chrisitianity itself.
Look, I'm a firm believer that in all the belief systems in the world from atheism to Hinduism it's Christianity that takes the least amount of faith. In my examination it has the most reasonable evidence to place my faith in. More power to the people who are trying to disprove it (more people have tried than with any other belief system and far more qualified people than movie makers). I just wish more of them were honest with their evaluations and more open-minded to where their investigations might lead. Good investigation can only help solidify my choice of faith or close the door on it. Either way I'm better off.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you don't want to be a chapter in my book, don't be so close minded to others challenging your foundations that you make stupid comments and expose you faith for what it is... blind.

Sorry for the more serious rant. Pet Peeve. Makes me long for a Time Waster Tuesday.